Committee to Study Town Manager Transition

Establishing an Ad Hoc Committee for the Study of the potential transition to a Town Manager form of Government

(word)  Town Manager Committee Application 1 25            (pdf) Town Manager Committee Application 1 25

(word) Town Manager Committee Overview 1 25                 (pdf) Town Manager Committee Overview 1 25


The purpose of this ad hoc committee is to conduct a thorough study and evaluation of the feasibility, benefits, and potential challenges of transitioning the Town of Cranberry Isles to a town manager form of government. The committee will explore operational efficiencies, governance improvements, and fiscal implications associated with this governance model.

An application to be considered for appointment to this committee is available online at Application.

You may also print the PDF application and return it to the Town Office via mail or in person.

Please see a full committee description below:

Scope and Objectives:

  1. Research:
    The committee will:
    • Study the roles and responsibilities of a town manager in municipalities with similar demographics, including seasonal tourism, marine-based economies, and transportation challenges.
    • Evaluate existing governance structures and compare them with a town manager model. This evaluation will also include the feasibility of expanding the Select Board either as a concurrent event with the town manager transition or as a standalone process.
    • Analyze financial impacts, including salary, administrative adjustments, and long-term cost savings.
  1. Engagement:
    • Gather input from community members, local business owners, and other stakeholders.
    • Consult with experts, such as municipal governance consultants and town managers from similar municipalities.
  2. Reporting:
    • Develop a comprehensive report outlining findings, including potential benefits, risks, and recommendations.
    • Present the report to Selectboard for review and decision-making.
  1. Membership:
    The committee will consist of 7 members appointed by the Select Board, in April 2025, after an application process is established.  Membership should represent a diverse range of perspectives, including:
    •  Local residents
    • Property owners
    • Business owners
    • Municipal staff or other elected officials familiar with governance operations
  1. Structure and Leadership:

Membership will be required to take an oath of office upon appointment.

    • A chairperson, vice-chairperson and secretary will be elected from among the members.
    • Meetings will be held monthly and will be open to the public, with agendas and minutes made available to ensure transparency.
    • Remote participation is acceptable.
  1. Timeline:
    • The committee will convene by April 15, 2025.
    • The final report and recommendations will be submitted by December 1, 2025.
  1. Authority:
    This committee is advisory in nature and will make recommendations to the Selectboard.
  2. Resources and Support:
    The committee will have access to $2,000 in funds from the Selectboard contingency to use for travel, consulting and research as needed, to facilitate the study.

Next Steps from the Selectboard

  1. Announce the formation of the committee and invite applications or nominations for membership.
  2. Schedule the first joint meeting with the selectboard to, elect members and establish priorities and begin work on the study.