Transportation & Parking

***Northeast Harbor Parking Lot Construction Notice***


NEH Parking Lot Construction Map

Northeast Harbor Parking Portal

Northeast Harbor Permit Instructions

2025 Parking Letter & Application

Town of Cranberry Isles Commuter Ferry Service

Winter Service is on the Miss Lizzie, operated by Downeast Windjammers (207-546-2927).  Provides two round trips per day between Northeast Harbor and Cranberry Isles.  This service operates on weekdays October 15 through April 30One-way fare is $9.00 per passenger.  Tickets can be purchased on the boat.

Morning Trip: Boat leaves Northeast Harbor at 5:45am, with stops at Great Cranberry, leaving there at 6:15am and then Islesford, leaving there at 6:30am.  Boat heads directly back to Northeast Harbor arriving at approximately 6:50am.

Late Boat/Afternoon Trip: Boat leaves Northeast Harbor at 5:00pm, with stops at Islesford, leaving there at 5:20pm, and then Great Cranberry, leaving there at 5:30pm.  Boat heads directly back to Northeast Harbor arriving at approximately 5:50pm.

Summer Service is on the Double B, operated by Beal & Bunker (207-266-4142).  This is an early morning trip only and originates in Northeast Harbor.  This service operates on weekdays May 1 through October 14.  Boat leaves Northeast Harbor at 5:45am, with stops at Great Cranberry, leaving there at 6:15am, and then Islesford, leaving at 6:30am.  Boat heads directly to Northeast Harbor arriving at approximately 6:50am.  For now, the early morning commuter will not be able to go to the Cranberry Isles Manset Dock on the return trip from the Cranberry Isles.  One-way fare is $15.00 per passenger.  Ten trip commuter tickets are available for $130.  Tickets can be purchased on the boat.

Cranberry Isles Commuter Ferry Non-Discrimination Statement

Commuter Ferry Complaint Form

The current GTFS is found here

Local Transportation Information

Ferry Services:

Northeast Harbor: Beal & Bunker, Inc     (207) 244-3575

Southwest Harbor & Manset: Cranberry Cove Ferry     (207) 546-2927

Water Taxi Services:

Cadillac Water Taxi- Blair Colby    (207) 801-1898

Delight Water Taxi- John Dwelley    (207) 244-5724 (seasonal)

Bill Dowling    (207) 479-3327


Goodwins    (207) 244-7805